Like us, we know you may have concerns about the coronavirus.
At Chipkins Puratos, the health and safety of both our customers and our employees is of utmost importance, so we wanted to create a central location where we can share what we are doing to ensure our collective good health, business continuity as well as share tips to face this situation, together.
Everyone’s life has changed significantly.
Leading us to rethink society and business.
Forcing us to change our ways of working.
Let’s continue to build the future together.
More than ever you can rely on us.
The information contained in these articles reflects the best of our knowledge and will be updated accordingly.
We see consumers everywhere enjoying wholesome staple foods like bread during the crisis, perhaps even more than usual.
Based on the internal Safety & Hygiene manual developed at Puratos, here is some inspiration from a global perspective.
Our Puratos head office has created a toolkit which could help you create a safe environment within your bakery and reassure your customers and employees on distances to respect.
In order to help you fight and contain the coronavirus, we have gathered some precautionary measures you can take.
The coronavirus (COVID-19) is impacting all of us on a global scale. In order to safeguard the health- and well-being of our employees, customers, consumers and their families, we will do everything we can to help contain the virus.