Raisin Bread


Working Method

Part 1
  1. Place all ingredients into mixing bowl except for the bakers mix.
  2. Mix for 2 minutes on slow speed and 7 minutes on fast speed. Dough temperature ± 24c.
  3. Place bakers mix into bowl and mix for 2 minutes on slow speed.
  4. Scale heads of dough at 500g, mould round and rest for 5 minutes before working off.
  5. Prove for ± 50 minutes.
  6. Bake at 220°C for ± 25 minutes.

Baking Overview

Tips and tricks

  • It is very important not to over mix the dough once bakers mix has been added.
  • Any baked product using bakers mix will be of a much higher quality if raisins are soaked for one or two hours beforehand.

About this recipe

Author: Chipkins Puratos

Complexity level: