Instant Milk Tart


Working Method

Sweet Paste
  1. Beat Mrs. J, Mandy,s and sugar until light and fluffy.
  2. Add egg and vanilla essence slowly till dispersed then mix in flour on slow till sides of bowl are clear.
  3. Roll sweet paste ± 3 mm thick, cut with a cake ring and line foil shape 3001p, trim edges.
  4. Bake sweet paste for ± 10 minutes until golden in colour at 210° C.

  1. Place milk and instant milk tart mix into mixing bowl fitted with a whisk and mix for 2 minutes on medium speed.
  2. Using a measuring jug pour ± 300 ml into each baked tart base.
  3. Dust with cinnamon.

Baking Overview

About this recipe

Author: Chipkins Puratos

Complexity level:  


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