

Working Method

Part 1 - Cookie Mix
  1. Blend water & margarine on high speed using a beater.
  2. Add melting moment mix and choc chips then mix on slow speed for 1 minute.
  3. Place cookie mixture into a piping bag fitted with a round nozzel.

Part 2 - Brownie Mix
  1. Place measured water, eggs and oil into mixing bowl first,  this will ensure proper mixing. Then add the Princess Chocolate Cake Mix and crushed pecan nuts.
  2. Mix for 2 minutes on slow speed and 6 minutes on medium.
  3. Add the Melted Choc Discs on the last 2 minutes.
  4. Place the Brownie Mix into a piping bag fitted with a round nozzle.
  5. Using a 16-Cavity Oval Mould, devide each cavity in half then pipe one half full with the Cookie mixture and pipe the other half, half way full with the Brownie Mixture.
  6. Bake at 170° C for ± 24 minutes.

Part 3 - Topping
  1. Melt Ambiante and Choc Discs together to form the Ganache.
  2. Top with the Ganache, then sprinkle crushed Pecan Nuts over the Chocolate Ganache.

Baking Overview

About this recipe

Author: Chipkins Puratos

Complexity level:  


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